Astro - App Store Optimization tool for Apple Developers
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✅ By Developer for Developer


App Store Optimization tool for Apple Developers


Improve your app visibility and increase your revenue. Astro provides you with the most up-to-date data directly from Apple Search Ads.

Maker Info



What is Astro?

Astro is an App Store Optimization (ASO) tool designed specifically for iOS developers. It aims to enhance app visibility and increase developers' revenue by providing up-to-date data directly from Apple Search Ads. Astro helps in tracking keyword rankings, suggesting new keywords, and translating them effortlessly with the integration of DeepL API.

Astro's Core Features

  • Accurate Data Extraction: Astro extracts popularity and difficulty data directly from Apple Search Ads for precise ASO insights.
  • Daily Updates and Ranking Tracking: Monitor daily changes in keyword rankings with ease.
  • Historical Performance Graphs: Visualize keyword performance over time with built-in graphs.
  • Multi-Store Keyword Management: Add and manage keywords across more than 60 stores where Apple Search Ads are available.
  • Instant Translations: Quickly translate keywords with the DeepL API integration.
  • Keyword Suggestions: Automatically find similar keywords to expand your app's reach.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, making the ASO process enjoyable.

Who are Astro's Target Users?

Astro is tailored for:

  • Independent iOS developers seeking to improve their app's discoverability on the App Store.
  • Small to medium-sized development teams that require an affordable and efficient way to manage ASO.
  • App marketers and product managers who want data-driven insights to optimize their app listings.

Astro's Usage Scenarios

  • Independent Developer Success: An indie developer uses Astro to identify high-potential keywords and optimizes their app's listing, resulting in increased downloads and revenue.
  • Team Collaboration: A development team leverages Astro to coordinate ASO efforts, track keyword rankings collectively, and make informed decisions to boost their app's visibility.
  • Market Research: A marketer utilizes Astro's data to perform in-depth market research, discovering new opportunities for keyword optimization and enhancing the app's competitive edge.
  • Cross-Border Optimization: A developer targeting multiple regions uses Astro's translation feature to understand local keyword preferences and tailor their ASO strategy accordingly.
  • Continuous Improvement: A product manager consistently uses Astro to monitor and adjust the app's ASO strategy, ensuring the app remains visible and appealing to potential users.

Social Proof Badge

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