Reverie - Effortless journaling with a thoughtful daily phone call.
🎉 An innovative journaling app
👍 A new way for journaling


Effortless journaling with a thoughtful daily phone call.


The journaling app that calls you every day.

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What is Reverie?

Reverie is an innovative journaling app that transforms the traditional journaling experience into a seamless, audio-based interaction. It connects with users via daily phone calls, allowing them to verbally share their thoughts and experiences, which are then transcribed and organized into a digital journal.

Reverie's Core Features

  • Daily Phone Calls: Receive a thoughtful call every day to prompt journaling.
  • Speak Your Mind: Easily share your thoughts without typing or structuring your thoughts.
  • Reverie Magic: Converts spoken words into beautifully formatted journal entries.
  • Review & Reflect: Access and review your entries, complete with themes and insights.
  • Up To 10 Minute Entries: Supports lengthy entries for in-depth journaling.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Adjust your call time as needed.
  • Security First: Ensures your thoughts remain private and secure.
  • Listen Later: Recorded calls can be listened to at any time.
  • Intelligent Tags: Automatically tags entries for easy exploration.
  • Simple Export: Download your entries, transcripts, and recordings.

Who are Reverie's Target Users?

Reverie is designed for:

  • Individuals seeking self-improvement through consistent journaling.
  • Busy professionals who value the convenience of audio journaling.
  • Creatives looking for a new way to document their ideas and inspirations.
  • Therapy patients who benefit from daily self-reflection.
  • Students who want to track their thoughts and experiences over time.

Reverie's Usage Scenarios

  • Self-Improvement: A user starts their day with a call to Reverie, using it as a tool for daily self-reflection and goal setting.
  • Busy Professional: A business executive uses Reverie to capture thoughts during a commute, ensuring they don't miss the opportunity to journal.
  • Creative Brainstorming: A writer uses the app to record ideas and reflections on their work, later reviewing the entries for inspiration.
  • Therapy Integration: A person in therapy uses Reverie to document their progress and emotions outside of therapy sessions.
  • Academic Research: A student uses Reverie to journal about their research process, later reviewing the entries for insights and patterns.

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